Questions about euthanasia and death with dignity

Request of the questionnaire

I'm doing the next questionnaire survey as the part of the graduation study. Please cooperate.


I’m a 4th year undergraduate student at the University.
I’m part of the Social Welfare Studies at school, and need to gain some primary research, I have there fore decided to create a questionnaire and be grateful if you could answer a few questions.
The main purpose of this questionnaire is to understand how people know about euthanasia and passive euthanasia death with dignity. Your feedback will help me finish my final exam in statistics and graduation research. The date was made for non-profit-making purpose, applicable only for academic purposes. I will make greater efforts than ever to protect personal information and privacy.
Appreciate your time and generosity foo participation in this questionnaire. You answers will only be used statistics and as information for my graduation research essay.

Please surround the number which applies about the following item or is closest with a circle.

問 1. 必須項目
Where do you live?

問 2. 必須項目
How long do you live this country?

問 3. 必須項目
Are you male or female?

問 4. 必須項目
What age group do you fall into?

問 5. 必須項目
Do you believe in something religion?

問 6. 必須項目
Does your grandparents live with you?

問 7. 必須項目
If yes, how many years?

問 8. 必須項目
Do you know what is the different between euthanasia and death with dignity?

問 9. 必須項目
Do you agree or disagree the euthanasia?

問 10.
Please let us know the reason for your choice.

問 11. 必須項目
Do you agree or disagree the death with dignity?

問 12.
Please let us know the reason for your choice.

問 13. 必須項目
How do you think about if your family wished for euthanasia?

問 14.
Please let us know the reason for your choice.

問 15. 必須項目
Would you like for euthanasia if you need?

問 16.
Please let us know the reason for your choice.

問 17. 必須項目
How do you think about if your family wished for death with dignity?

問 18.
Please let us know the reason for your choice.

問 19. 必須項目
Would you like for death with dignity if you need?

問 20.
Please let us know the reason for your choice.

問 21. 必須項目
Do you know about “Dignitas”?

問 22. 必須項目
If you have any other comments or opinions that you can share with us, please describe in below form.

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